Tashkent city
We offer 72.5% and 82.5% SPRED products produced in Uzbekistan under the brand "shchedrost prirody" (slivochnyy vkus).
250 gr
500 gr
Monolith 5kg
Monolith 10 kg
Monolith 20 kg
We invite pastry shops for cooperation.
The product is sold at wholesale prices.
Delivery within the city of Tashkent is free.
The product has a Halal certificate
My product is spread (72, 5% and 82, 5%) under the brand "shchedrost prirody" slivochnyy vkus, produced in Uzbekistan.
250 gr
500 gr
Monolith 5kg
Monolith 10 kg
Monolith 20 kg
Priglashaem konditerov k sotrudnichestvu.
The goods are realizuetsya po optovym tsenam.
Delivery to the city of Tashkent for free
The product has a Halal certificate.